Personal & Interpersonal Development: Language Barriers

Language is a tradition that is almost as old as time. It is often used as the most common forms of communication, even since ancient times, where early cavemen talked to each other, first with a series of grunts and facial and body movements, and then developing later on to rudimentary alphabets and phrases, and continuing to develop on the same level as civilization flourished. Languages are the best way to communicate thoughts and personal opinions about certain subjects to other people, and to allow them to communicate their own ideas. Through language, we are able to successfully exchange information easily, allowing people to learn from others.

Therefore, by being able to cultivate one’s skills in language, one is also able to easier and more efficiently get their ideas across to other people and, more importantly, successfully persuade and convince others of their significance. Learning to become eloquent no only affects how other people heed your words, but it also perceptibly affects how you view yourself, and can improve your self-esteem.

By being able to use the right words and the right manner to make your point known, you will find it easier to find people to listen to you and your opinions. When others find some flaw in your argument and point them out to you, you can further learn from this experience by assessing the weak points in your argument and improving upon them. In this manner, learning from criticism can prove very advantageous, as it can allow you to hone your speaking and writing skills to a fuller extent, and enables you to find illogical statements in your arguments to improve upon.

The benefits of being good with speaking and writing the language, however, is not just limited in succeeding in bringing your ideas and opinions to other people, it can also visibly improve your self-confidence. With more practice, you become more familiar with talking to others, whether it is among a small group, or in front of a larger audience. Becoming more accustomed t speaking helps to improve your self-confidence the more times you are able to talk with others and persuade them at the very least to consider what you say.

Perhaps more importantly, establishing yourself as a good speaker or debater can also result in establishing yourself as an identity, not only to others but to you particularly. What most people talk about quite often shows off their personality; a person who is very insistent about his side of the argument despite the facts may be someone who is not very open-minded about certain subjects. Someone who likes to rely on factual information and statistics may be a boring speaker, but possesses a very intellectual frame of mind. A person who is able to listen to both sides of the argument and provide his own take regarding why his decision tries to include the best of both worlds, is usually very diplomatic and prone to mediating between two conflicting parties, but may have some difficulty in taking a final side.

By gauging the type of language that you use in conversation, people are able to get a better glimpse of the type of person that you are as well, and this can also be used to further improve yourself. By accepting other’s criticisms that you do refuse to take into account anyone else’s view but your own, for example, you can seek to consciously become more open to other ideas, and further practice will allow you to do so more naturally, not just when you are involved with debates with others, but also in hw you deal with people you interact with everyday.


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